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News source:xsmdz    Reads:2767    AddTime:2009/8/14 15:39:24    Collects this page

1. Long Lifespan
The lifetime of conventional incandescent lamps is usually 3,000~4,000 hours. The ETTF (Estimated Time To Failure) of a LED is as long as 100,000 hours, which is much longer than that of incandescent lamps. Suppose we let a LED work four hours a day, we may have it work for us for more than 60 years.

2. Energy Saving and Low Cost
Generally speaking, LEDs are designed to operate with only 12~24V, and LEDs produce more light per watt than incandescent bulbs. High efficacy with low voltage makes it easy for LEDs to gain an edge up from conventional incandescent lamps, consuming 80% less electrical power. Although currently High-Brightness single-color LEDs are more expensive than conventional incandescent lamps, they save much more electrical power, which can offset the price gap. Suppose a LED requires 15W to reach a certain luminance, it would take up to 150W for a conventional incandescent lamp to reach the same level of luminance.

3. More Environmentally Friendly
Unlike incandescent bulbs and fluorescent lamps, LEDs emit light in a different way. LEDs do not rely on a filaments that will burn out, become heated, or disperse toxic gas. As a solid state component, LEDs are better able to withstand eternal shock. The illumination is generated solely by the movement of electrons in a semiconductor material, and its lifespan is similar to that of a standard transistor.

4. Environmental Adaptability
LEDs operate well in a wide range of temperatures, -40℃~+85℃, with the humidity below 65%. Therefore, LEDs can be used in a relatively harsh environment.

5. A Variety of Applications
LEDs have advanced from its use in numeric displays and indicator lights to a range of new and potential applications, including architectural lights, exit signs, accent lights, task lights, traffic lights, signage, cove lighting, wall sconces, outdoor lighting and down lighting, etc.


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